
Ruby Quiz

@JanLelisJanuary 2016RUG::B

Documenting lesser-known features in Ruby

Question 1

There is a String method that will generate the "successor" of a string

"aaa".succ #=> "aab"

What's the result of:

"9z".succ #=> ?

Question 1

"9z".succ #=> "10a"

Bonus Question 1

What's the result of:

"z9".succ #=> ?

Bonus Question 1

"z9".succ #=> "aa0"

Question 2

There is the concept of "bundled gems" in Ruby.

These will be installed alongside Ruby.

How many gems are bundled with Ruby 2.3?

Question 2

There is the concept of "bundled gems" in Ruby.

These will be installed alongside Ruby.

How many gems are bundled with Ruby 2.3?


Bonus Question 2

Which ones?

power_assert 0.2.6
test-unit 3.1.5
minitest 5.8.3
rake 10.4.2
net-telnet 0.1.1
did_you_mean 1.0.0

Question 3

There is a String#split method,
which also accepts regexes:

"rug-b".split(/-/) #=> ["rug", "b"]

What will happen if we use a capturing group in the regex?

  "rug-b".split(/(-)/) #=> ?

Question 3

"rug-b".split(/(-)/) #=> ["rug", "-", "b"]

Bonus Question 3

What will happen if we use a multiple capturing groups?

"rug-b".split(/((-))/) #=> ?

Bonus Question 3

What will happen if we use a multiple capturing groups?

"rug-b".split(/((-))/) #=> ["rug", "-", "-", "b"]

Bonus Bonus

#=> ["rug", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "b"]

#=> ["rug", "b", "b"]

This was Ruby Quiz 1!
