Idiosyncratic Ruby


@JanLelisDecember 2017RUG::B

Documenting lesser-known features in Ruby

"Escape Ruby" Edition

Question 1

What is the output of


A: "?"

Answer 1

?? ? ?? : ?? ? ?? : ??

"?" ? "?" : "?" ? "?" : "?"

"?" ? "?" : ("?" ? "?" : "?")

"?" ? "?" : "?"


Question 2

What is the output of


A: ""

Answer 2


%%% % %%% % %%%

"" % "" % ""

"" % ""


Bonus Question 2

What is the output of

% % % % % % % %

A: "%"

Bonus Answer 2

% % % % % % % %


"%" % "%" % "%"

"%" % "%"


Question 3

What is the result?

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, '\&\&')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, '\\&\\&')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, '\\\&\\\&')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, "\&\&")

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, "\\&\\&")

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)::/, "\\\&\\\&")

Bonus Question 3

What is the result?

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, '\1')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, '\\1')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, '\\\1')

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, "\1")

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, "\\1")

"RUG::B".gsub(/(.*)/, "\\\1")

Question 4

How many ways does Ruby provide to embed a NULL Byte?

Hint: For example, "\x00" embeds a null byte

A: 40

Bonus Question 4


"\0" "\x00" "\x0" "\u0000" "\u{0000}" "\u{000}" "\u{00}" "\u{0}" "\u{00000}" "\u{000000}" "\000" "\00" "\C-\0" "\C-\x00" "\C-\x0" "\C-\000" "\C-\00" "\C-@" "\C-\x40" "\C-\100" "\C-`" "\C-\x60" "\C-\140" "\C- " "\C-\x20" "\C-\40" "\c\0" "\c\x00" "\c\x0" "\c\000" "\c\00" "\c@" "\c\x40" "\c\100" "\c`" "\c\x60" "\c\140" "\c " "\c\x20" "\c\40"

This was Ruby Quiz
