Idiosyncratic Ruby


@JanLelisJanuary 2021Zoom ℝ𝕌𝔾 𝔹𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟

Documenting lesser-known features in Ruby

2021: "Stay at home to learn Ruby 3.0"

Ruby's Magic Comments

Also known as:
interpreter instructions or compiler directives

Setting a source file's encoding:

# encOding: bInary
p "".encoding # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

Magic Comments

How many different "magic" comments (a.k.a interpreter instructions) do exist in Ruby 3.0?







Magic Comments

How many different "magic" comments (a.k.a interpreter instructions) do exist in Ruby 3.0?


# encoding: …

# frozen_string_literal: …

# warn_indent: …

# shareable_constant_value: … ← NEW

# warn_past_scope: … ← NOT COUNTED

Magic Comments

What happens when you specify
# shareable_constant_value: literal
as your magic comment?

It deep-freezes every literal assigned to a constant

It deactivates the warning when you are re-assigning a constant

It calls Object#share on every literal assigned to a constant

It literally allows you to share the constant's source code on

Magic Comments

What happens when you specify
# shareable_constant_value: literal
as your magic comment?

It deep-freezes every literal assigned to a constant

X = [{foo: []}]
# => same as [{foo: [].freeze}.freeze].freeze

Other modes of operation:

- experimental_everything
- experimental_copy

Magic Comments

Where can you place your
# shareable_constant_value
magic comment?

Only in the first line of the file

In the first line of the file, but when its taken by a Unix shebang (#!/bin/ruby), or another magic comment, it is possible to put in a subsequent line

Anywhere in the file

Magic Comments

Where can you place your
# shareable_constant_value
magic comment?

Anywhere in the file

Changes the behavior of constants below the magic comment within the current module-scope

Magic Comments - Resources

Grammar Definition:

Official Documentation:

More Examples:

Random 3.0 News

Random 3.0 News

What does ... (three dots) do in Ruby 3.0?

Calls a method without any arguments three times or

Forwards a method's arguments to another method or

It is a begin- and endless range (-Infinity to Infinity) or

Separates the RBS type signature from the actual method body

Random 3.0 News

What does ... (three dots) do in Ruby 3.0?

Forwards a method's arguments
to another method

Originally introduced in 2.7,
it has become useful in 3.0:

def repeat(method_to_call, count, ...)
    puts "Will call #{method_to_call} #{count} times"
    count.times {
      public_send(method_to_call, ...)

Random 3.0 News

How many of Ruby's 90 default gems are officially unmaintained?

None (all have a maintainer)





Random 3.0 News

How many of Ruby's 90 default gems are officially unmaintained?


benchmark    date    dbm    debug    delegate    english    fileutils    getoptlong    net-pop    net-protocol    net-smtp    observer    open3    pstore    tempfile    tmpdir    weakref

Random 3.0 News

Which global variable was removed from Ruby 3.0?





Random 3.0 News

Which global variable was removed from Ruby 3.0?


Removed together with $KCODE

Used to change the behavior of default encodings

Mirrored the -K CLI option (which is still present)

Random 3.0 News

Which one of the following statements is not valid Ruby 3.0?

def * = 0

def = 1970

def !(o) = !!(o)

def a x = x ** 2

Random 3.0 News

Which one of the following statements is not valid Ruby 3.0?

def a x = x ** 2

Endless method definitions with arguments require parenthesis:

def a(x) = x ** 2

Random 3.0 News

What is the output of the following Ruby 3.0 code:

a = 1
2 => a
def a = 3

p a




Random 3.0 News

What is the output of the following Ruby 3.0 code:

a = 1
2 => a
def a = 3

p a


Local variable a has precedence over method a

Ruby 3.0 Resources

Things I did not cover:
Keyword argument changes, typing with rbs and typeprof, Ractor for concurrency, ...

Checkout Ruby Changes 3.0
at the Ruby Reference by @zverok

Single-line Pattern Matching /
Right Hand Assignment

Warning[:experimental] = false

# Check if a is true and b is false
if [a, b] in [true, false]

# Separate an array into head an tail
array => [first, *rest]

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following statements returns false?

2 in 1...3

2 in [1,2,3]

BasicObject in Object

Object in BasicObject

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following statements returns false?

2 in [1,2,3] # => false

2 => [1,2,3] # NoMatchingPatternError (2)

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following one-liners does not work?

1 => Numeric => x

2 => a => b => c => d

3 => Integer => Z

4 => -> o { p o } => o

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following one-liners does not work?

3 => Integer => Z

syntax error, unexpected constant,
expecting local variable or method

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following statements will raise an error?

0 => 0

0 => 0 => o

0 => 0.0 => o

0 => 0...0 => o

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which one of the following statements will raise an error?

0 => 0...0 => o

# NoMatchingPatternError (0)

0 => 0..0 => o

# => 0

Single-line Pattern Matching

Which of the following new syntaxes is just super neat and awesome?

{ key: 'value' } in { key: }

Returns true if all specified keys were found

Object destructuring: It assigns the specified keys' values to local variables with the keys' names

Ruby got better!
So let's make 2021 better, too ;)

@JanLelis -