ERB Render Standard

ERB stands for <%# Embedded Ruby %> and is the templating engine included in the Ruby Standard Library. While there are more recent gems that provide a better templating experience (see tilt for an abstraction, and erubis/erbse for an updated ERB), it is also convenient to have basic support directly in the standard library.

However, it does not directly support rendering data from a Hash, but only from a Binding object:¹

¹ Update: It is now possible with Ruby 2.5 – click here to see the best best practice

How to Render an ERB Template² (Pre 2.1)

require "erb"
require "ostruct"

def render_erb(template, data = nil), nil, "%<>").result( { binding }

example_data = {
  idiosyncratic: "Ruby"

example_template = <<TEMPLATE
<%= idiosyncratic %> 3.0

render_erb(example_template, example_data) # => "Ruby 3.0\n"

² Actually, this also supports a (quite useful) additional syntax of ERB templates, "percent-lines":

example_template2 =<<TEMPLATE
% calculation = 2 + 1
Result is: <%= calculation %>

render_erb(example_template2) # => "Result is: 3\n"

How to Render an ERB Template (Post 2.1)

Ruby 2.1 came with Binding#local_variable_set, so we can remove OpenStruct from the equation:

require "erb"

def render_erb(template, data = {})
  render_binding = binding
  data.each{ |key, value| render_binding.local_variable_set(key.to_sym, value) }, nil, "%<>").result(render_binding)

example_data = {
  idiosyncratic: "Ruby"

example_template = <<TEMPLATE
<%= idiosyncratic %> 3.0

render_erb(example_template, example_data) # => "Ruby 3.0\n"

Note: Both versions' bindings also contain the method arguments of render_erb, so you can access template and data from within the template. If you don't like this, you can can use TOPLEVEL_BINDING.dup to work around the local parameters.

How to Render an ERB Template (Post 2.5)

Ruby 2.5 finally introduces a way to render hashes:

require "erb"

def render_erb(template, data = {}), nil, "%<>").result_with_hash(data)

example_data = {
  idiosyncratic: "Ruby"

example_template = <<TEMPLATE
<%= idiosyncratic %> 3.0

render_erb(example_template, example_data) # => "Ruby 3.0\n"

Also See

More Idiosyncratic Ruby