Ruby TRICKS of 2013

Ruby was initially designed to be a successor of the Perl programming language, which also means that it inherited a lot of Perl's expressiveness. To celebrate this, the TRIC¹ contest was invented:

The best submissions were awarded at the Japanese Ruby Kaigi conference and also included in the Ruby source, for educational purpose. The winning submissions² of 2013 were:

¹ Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest
² All code is MIT licensed, Copyright (c) 2013, TRICK Winners and Judges

1st Place: "Best pangram"

By kinaba (remarks)

The program prints each ASCII character from 0x20 ' ' to 0x7e '~' exactly once:

!@THEqQUICKbBROWNfFXjJMPSvVLAZYDGgkyz&[%r{\"}mosx,4>6]|?'while(putc 3_0-~$.+=9/2^5;)<18*7and:`#

While this would not be such a complicated thing to accomplish, reconsider the program after reading the second constraint!

The program contains each ASCII character from 0x20 ' ' to 0x7e '~' exactly once.

This is what it outputs:


2nd Place: "Most Readable"

By Shinichiro Hamaji (remarks)

begin with an easy program.
you should be able to write
a program unless for you,
program in ruby language is
too difficult. At the end
of your journey towards the
ultimate program; you must
be a part of a programming
language. You will end if
you != program

This program does exactly nothing, but nevertheless, it is all valid syntax!

3rd Place: "Most classic"

By Yusuke Endoh (remarks)

Guess what this one does:

          t=0; !{|v|d=?!==l[
          t]?1                         :(l[
          t]==                         ?#)?
          0*v=                         6:03
          (v<1                         ?[]:
          0..n                         -1).
          each                         {|z|
          s[z]                         +=2*
  M.sin(($*[0]                         ||1)
.to_f*M.sin(y=                 40*(z+m)*2**
(t/12E0)/463)+               y)*(v-z*d/n)};
t+=1;v-d};m+=                n;g.flush<<(s.
  pack"C*");                 puts(l)}}};M=

         Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
            Johann Sebastian Bach

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Right! It will play some lovely classical music! Run it with:³

$ padsp ruby entry.rb

³ See Limitations for how to play it on Mac OS

Also See

Other Awarded Submissions

More Idiosyncratic Ruby